Litigation and Arbitration

We represent clients in all types of judicial and arbitration disputes (including those with a cross-border element). We assist and advise on the assessment of our clients’ prospects when it comes to the enforcement and recovery of their claims and on the preparation of a suitable litigation strategy, but also with respect to the negotiation of both court-approved and out-of-court settlements.

References of our lawyers

Representation of Energetický Holding Malina, a renowned supplier of photovoltaic installations and heat pumps, in the insolvency proceeding, including the preparation of a reorganization plan and representation in incidental disputes and other litigation matters.

Representation of a major Czech investor in a cross-border dispute over a controlling block of shares in a major producer and distributor of pharmaceuticals in Northern Europe.

Representation of Alpiq Energy in disputes over integrated power supply and service agreements.

Representation of Czech investors in disputes over the ownership of a major Central European technology group.

Representation of Správa pohledávek OKD in disputes with the company’s former management.

Representation of a major energy company in litigation over the breach of a non-compete clause.

Representation of a multinational consulting company and its shareholders in disputes with a minority shareholder.

Representation of one of the largest automotive groups in disputes with Czech distributors.

Representation of a major wood processing company in a dispute with a utility company over the wrongful termination of their power supply.

Additional expertise

Transactions and Corporate Law

We specialize in mergers and acquisitions (including the acquisition of distressed assets), corporate restructuring, and the drafting of shareholders’ agreements. We represent clients in corporate disputes, frequently including those with an insolvency aspect. Part of our skillset is a deep understanding of competition law and of the regulation of securities and capital markets.


Financing and Restructuring

We advise on bank and non-bank financing and private equity transactions. We specialize in corporate restructuring (which includes the drafting of reorganization plans) and the acquisition of distressed assets. We represent clients on creditors’ committees/meetings and in lawsuits brought within insolvency proceedings to clarify issues of relevance for the insolvency. We keenly understand bonds and notes emission schemes and collective investment matters.


Real Estate and Development

We specialize in the purchase, sale, financing, and construction of real estate projects. We have an intimate understanding of the regulatory framework in the real estate sector and the issues associated with property development. We represent clients in real estate disputes of all kind (including disputes arising from contracts for work and EPC contracts).


Energy and Infrastructure

We specialize in acquisitions, divestments, financing, and construction of energy and infrastructure projects. We also represent clients in related disputes, whether it be before the Energy Regulatory Office, before general courts or before arbitration tribunals. We pride ourselves in a consummate understanding of regulation in the energy sector and renewables.
